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Our Rave Reviews!

"...always prompt..."

" ...very happy with the results..."


"...enjoyed your straightforward


"...exceeded my expectations..."

"...I would highly recommend her..."

We satisfy, satisfy, satisfy and here is what our clients say:

"Stefanie gave me a gift when she made my resume so impressive and effective. She was always prompt and I could tell she put a lot of thought into her responses to my questions. It was easy for me to see that she completely understood what I needed. I definitely appreciate editing and I'm sure I'll ask her to help me again when I need another resume check." - MH, Business Management Consultant

I started using the cover and resume that Stefanie Spikell created for me a few short weeks before phone calls for interviews began rolling in. The very first company that I met with paid the highest compliment possible. They stated that my resume was exactly the type that they liked to see. It's why they called me in and it's why they offered me the job. Thanks Stefanie! - JS - Office Manager

"The resume is great and I am very happy with it. Thank you for a wonderful experience!!" - NN, Re-entering from Military

"Great service at great time. You knew how to get the information from me and put it all together. I am very happy with the results !" - ST, Mother Re-entering Workforce

"Thanks, it looks great. I really appreciate the effort that you put into my resume, as well as the quick turnaround. Thanks again!" - EA, Construction Worker

"You did a great job on my resume and I am very grateful…Thanks." - SS, Teacher

"Stefanie did a great job. Very nice explanation of how resume was structured and why. Prompt service, good layout. I can see you took the time to review the info I sent and gave a lot of thought to the cover letter. Thanks again."  - LB, Marketing Excecutive

"WOW! I am very happy with the writing that you did. It is great!!" - BW, Student Admissions Essay

"Thank you for the prompt response. I like the organization/format of the resume, and I appreciate the effective phrasing you have developed." - MH, Civil Engineer

"Thanks for your help. I enjoyed your no BS approach." - FC, CEO/CFO

"Thanks for all your help, I think your wording and method of combining important facts were outstanding. I was very reluctant to buy into this program but the results you performed certainly made it well worth it." - VG - Engineering Manager

"Miraculous. The person described on the paper is the ideal candidate for the job and the name at the top is mine! Thanks a million." - MH, Project Manager

"You did an outstanding job. You can rest assured that I will return time and time again when the need for a more than perfect resume crosses my path." - TM, International Development

"I thought that [you] exceeded my expectations. The quick turn times and customer service were great. My resume really needed work and with the help of my editor, I now have a solid resume for my job search." - NL, Information Technology

"Stefanie was quick to respond both initially and when revisions were needed. She was professional and pleasant. I would highly recommend her for your resume needs." - CT, Administrative Manager

"I liked most the friendly, caring attitude; this is in addition to the relentless effort by Stefanie to achieve my satisfaction, and the professional approach that was demonstrated in revising my old resume." - JS, Nurse
