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Is a Web Resume For You?

by Stefanie Spikell,
The William Shakespeare of Resume Writing/Career Coaching

I often recommend a web resume for my clients. For some, it is just the right tool to say "Hey, I'm up to speed on technology." So if you are in the computer field or telecommunications, it's really a must.

I also recommend it for my clients who are heavy into networking. If you pass out your card at lots of business functions, put your web resume address right on your card - you'd be surprised at how intriguing a web address can be. People just love to travel to a wide variety of sites. You'll be surprised at how many will travel to your web resume to review your background - and this can lead to many new contacts.

For my executives, the web resume is a wonderful tool. These folks usually make a lot of phone call contacts when seeking to change assignments. What better way to start the conversation that to say, "You know my background, Joe, but just bring up my web resume for a quick review while we're having our chat……you can find it at"

There are no limits on WHO can use a web resume. A lot of it is up to you. But I ALWAYS offer my clients the option - it's one of the extras we give at EXPERT RESUMES. That way, you won't miss out on an option that you may not have known about.

At EXPERT RESUMES, we give you everything you need to succeed - and you don't have to even know to ask for it! That's why we excel at what we do - we think AHEAD of you. Come be a satisfied client. Contact us today at: 916-261-5853

Stefanie Spikell, owner of two companies, Expert Resumes and Clear Communications Business Consulting (, is a noted business/careers coach, management consultant and resume writer. In her 20-year career, she has managed marketing communications departments for major engineering firms, taught at the university level, published hundreds of business-related reports and articles, and written thousands of winning resumes.