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What About That Online Degree?

by Stefanie Spikell,
The William Shakespeare of Resume Writing/Career Coaching

You work 50 hours a week. You are ambitious and want to rise in your career. You have a family and hardly any free time.  So how in the world are you going to get that much-needed MBA?  Or your Master’s degree in Psychology?  Or that specialized computer training?  And what about the woman who only has another 15 hours to complete her Bachelor’s degree and knows it’s holding her back from promotion?

In desperation, you’ve sought out the online degree sites on the web.  Are they legitimate?  Can you really get a good education by taking online courses?  Maybe it’s the ONLY way you will find the time to get that education. What to do? 

As a career coach for many years, I say move forward with that online degree.  Just be sure that you note on your resume that, indeed, it was an online course.  There is no shame in ANY educational pursuit.  If your degree is from the University of Phoenix, Online, tell the prospective employer that that is what you did – then give them your transcript of courses, or even list the major courses you took right on your resume.

What about those degrees you “buy” for life experience?  If you have many years of business experience but no degree, maybe a “life experience” degree is what you need to bolster your credentials.  Contact reputable sources – and you will soon discover who is reputable just by comparing what they offer and their prices – and select a credential that most closely mirrors your background.  Then, on your resume, state that is was a degree granted for life experience, and be prepared to discuss your motivation for getting it and the expertise you wanted to capture on paper through that degree. 

As they say, tell the truth – it’s the best defense you can have!  And here at EXPERT RESUMES, we help you tell the truth effectively.  Call today for a free consultation:  916-261-5853.



Stefanie Spikell, owner of two companies, Expert Resumes and Clear Communications Business Consulting (, is a noted business/careers coach, management consultant and resume writer. In her 20-year career, she has managed marketing communications departments for major engineering firms, taught at the university level, published hundreds of business-related reports and articles, and written thousands of winning resumes.